If you are a member of Alcoholics Anonymous with more than a year sober, then we welcome you to join our team of phone volunteers. The scheduling is flexible, and the time commitment can be for as little as one shift per month, or several shifts per month depending on your availability. When the office closes, we forward the phones to a volunteer, and when that volunteer’s shift is over they forward the phones to the next volunteer. Detailed instructions, guidelines for caller interactions, and orientations are provided. Reliability, excellent communication skills, strong phone etiquette, and a working email address for scheduling are required.
The shifts are as follows:
- Weekends: 9am-1pm, 1pm-5pm, 5pm-11pm, 11pm-9am
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5pm-11pm, 11pm-9am
- Tuesday & Thursday: 6pm-12mid, 12mid-10am
Just complete the form below and we’ll contact you. If you have questions, problems or comments please call us at 513-351-0422. We will need to spend about 20 minutes with you in our office to show you everything you need to know to be a first class Night Owl. We will also be there to help in the future.
Help us continue to carry out to work at the Central Office by using volunteers to answer the phone on weekends, evenings and overnight from their homes.