(As adopted 3/6/2019)
- The adopted bylaws of the organization is the document governing board operation. These standing rules are in addition to such bylaws and, should there be any perceived conflict, between the two documents, the bylaws control.
- All board actions shall comply with all federal and state laws.
- These standing rules may be changed at any time by vote of the board. All board members will be given written notice of any proposed change prior to a vote being taken on such change. Notice may be in the form of meeting minutes.
- The board shall meet monthly, with such meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the intergroup council office on Florence Avenue. At the beginning of each year, the meeting dates for the calendar year will be set by the board.
- After polling board members, the chair may cancel any regular monthly board meeting if the chair determines that there is not enough board business to warrant a meeting.
- As provided in the bylaws, board meetings are closed meetings and generally only board members can attend. The board chair, with the consent of the majority of the board, may invite guests to attend part or all of any meeting. Any participation by IC representatives is governed by bylaws 10.3.
- In addition to regular monthly meetings, the board chair or other board members may call for special meetings, providing three-day advance notice to all board members. Bylaws 10.1.3 if a matter requires immediate attention, the chair may solicit votes electronically, by email or other means. Bylaws 10.1.4. Any such action will be noted in the next board meeting minutes.
- A quorum must be present to vote on any matter at a board meeting. Five members of the board constitutes a quorum. Bylaws 10.2. The office manager is not counted for quorum purposes.
- Board actions shall generally be adopted by majority vote, unless otherwise provided by the bylaws.
- Unless there is an unopposed call for an immediate vote, any motion on matters of finance or policy shall be voted on by the board at the next regular board meeting.
- The board secretary will prepare an agenda for each board meeting. Bylaws Board members should notify the chair and secretary of any item they wish to be placed on the agenda.
- The office manager will mail out the proposed board agenda to all IC representatives 14 days before the next scheduled board meeting. Bylaws 10.3
- Prior to each meeting, an agenda will be sent out via email to all board members by the secretary or the office manager. Where possible, the agenda, with relevant attachments, will be sent out to all board members 5 calendar days before the meeting.
- Board members are expected to attend board meetings. Members should notify the office manager and the board chair as soon as practicable, but no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the day of the board meeting, if they are not able to attend. If unable to attend, the office manager shall notify the board chair as soon as practicable.
- The board chair will conduct the meeting and in his/her absence, the vice-chair will conduct the meeting.
- So as to make the meeting run as expeditiously as possible, board members should review the materials sent out in advance of the meeting, i.e., minutes of prior meetings, meeting agenda, documents provided for prior review, etc. They should also review the minutes of the last intergroup meeting, particularly if the member did not attend the meeting.
- If a board member is not physically able to attend a meeting, he/she shall submit a written report (in any form) of any committee activity or other work the member has been involved in. Board members may also participate in all or part of board meeting by conference call. Any such participation does not count for establishing a board quorum.
- At board meetings, all members should give their full attention to matters being discussed, avoiding side conversations as much as possible. Members shall also be courteous and considerate of thoughts and opinions of other board members.
- Members of the board will keep confidential any discussions of the board of sensitive nature, including, but not limited to, discussions about prospective board members, discussions on performance, pay or similar matters affecting office personnel (including the office manager), or other matters that the chair requests be kept confidential.
- At each meeting, reports will be given by the treasurer, office manager and IC facilitator. If any such persons cannot attend, they may designate another to give the report and/or provide a written report. The office manager may designate the assistant office manager to give the report of office operations. In addition to presenting the report, the assistant manager may attend the rest of the meeting, if requested to do so by the board chair. As the assistant manager is not a board member, he/she shall have no vote at the meeting.
- As provided in bylaws 11.1.4, a board member is appointed as an ex-officio member of each IC committee. As such, the board member should:
- Notify the committee chair of his/her appointment to the committee;
- Offer to assist the committee in performing its functions;
- Attend committee meetings where possible and be cognizant of the current work of the committee;
- Report monthly to the board chair and secretary of any committee actions that need to be brought to the attention of the board and included on the board meeting agenda.
- As provided in bylaws (9.1), the office manager shall not vote on any matter that has an impact on the position of office manager or any employee related matter. The board chair may ask the office manager to remove himself/herself from the board meeting when matters impacting the position of office manager are presented for vote and shall request the office manager to leave when matters are discussed related to the manager’s employment, (performance, wages, benefits, etc.) The agenda for each board meeting will show time reserved at the end of the meeting for any discussion of topics requiring the recusal of the office manager from the meeting.
- At each meeting, the board secretary will take notes and prepare minutes of the meeting. Meeting minutes will record which board members were present, the time of adjournment, any actions taken by the board and otherwise comply with bylaws In the absence of the secretary, the assistant secretary, or other person so designated by the chair, will take notes for the meeting. In preparing the minutes, the secretary will keep in mind that board meetings are closed business meetings.
- As provided in bylaws, the secretary will deliver minutes to board members within 2 weeks of the meeting.
- The secretary will maintain an ongoing record of concerns or suggested changes to the current bylaws.
- The secretary will maintain an ongoing record of concerns or suggested changes to the board guidelines for board committees and the board guidelines for IC committees.
- At each meeting, the office manager will report on any noteworthy activity of the office in the prior month.
- At each meeting, the ICM facilitator will report on any noteworthy IC activity in the prior month and any anticipated noteworthy activity for the upcoming monthly meeting.
- At each meeting, the treasurer, or in his/her absence, the assistant treasurer shall provide a report of financial operations. Bylaws
- At the January meeting of the board, the treasurer shall provide a draft budget for the upcoming year for the board’s consideration. The board shall approve a final budget for the upcoming year at the February meeting of the board.
- Voting at meetings shall be by voice vote or by a show of hands, unless the chair determines that voting on a particular issue should be by written vote.
- At the monthly intergroup council meeting, the board chair, or in his/her absence, the vice chair shall provide a report to the Intergroup Council of board actions and any other matters pertinent to the operations of the Intergroup Council. When appropriate, the board chair may designate any other board member to provide the report.
- As provided in the bylaws (5.2 & 5.3), board members serve a period of two years, and may serve a second two-year term. Six months before the end of an initial two-year term, board members will notify the board chair and the chair of the nominating committee if they do or do not intend to serve a second two-year term.
- Before the November board meeting each year, the board will review the slate of candidates for any open board positions. The board will report any comments/concerns on the slate to the nominating committee for inclusion in its report.