Bridging the Gap – Becoming a Temporary Contact Person Bridging the Gap is a temporary contact program for individuals getting out of treatment or other facilities. The concept behind “Bridging the Gap” (BTG) is as old as Alcoholics Anonymous itself — one drunk talking to another, each reinforcing the other’s understanding that they can find a way to face life sober and build meaningful relationships without alcohol. In order to bridge the gap, A.A. members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous
It is recommended the Temporary Contact Person have 1 year of sobriety as well as review the Guidelines for Working within the Treatment Center: Acquaint yourself with AA approved pamphlets: “AA Tradition – how it was developed”, “AA in Treatment Facilities”, “Bridging the Gap”, and How AA Members cooperate”.
AA Literature ResourcesGuidelines for AA Members who are Temporary Contacts 1.If possible, make direct contact with the clients while still in treatment.
2. Make every effort to attend at least one meeting together on the day of release
3. For at least two weeks help the newcomer attend a variety of meetings, introducing him/her to other AA members
4. Help the newcomer become familiar with AA books, pamphlets, meeting schedule, intergroup, etc
5. Explain sponsorship and the importance of obtaining a sponsor without delay
6.Work with the treatment facility to try to develop the contact/relationship prior to discharge always being respectful of their rules
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