Services We Offer
Central Service Office Services
Sale of Literature – Many service offices publish their own meeting lists; others also produce introductory pamphlets explaining A.A. These can be sold at a slight profit to help defray office expenses. It is also possible to buy books from G.S.O. for resale at the retail price, the profit going to support the central office. The Conference-approved literature catalog describes various discounts.
A.A. Inquiries – By providing an Alcoholics Anonymous listing in the local telephone directory, the central office may receive inquiries from those seeking help. They will refer the caller to a nearby A.A. group, where sponsorship may be arranged, or have a twelfth stepper con-tact them. Many local A.A. offices now have their own Web site.
Fair distribution of Twelfth Step Calls – However tempting it may be to assign follow-up calls to those individuals and groups that seem especially willing, the Twelfth Step work is something all the groups in the community should be encouraged to share. But it’s also important that calls are distributed according to the location of the group; that is, newcomers should usually be put in touch with the group nearest to them.
Night Owl Phone Service – After closing hours, carefully chosen A.A. volunteers provide telephone answering service. (See Guidelines on A.A. Answering Services)
Meeting Lists and Other Literature – At regular intervals, the central office may publish and distribute up-to-date lists of meetings and other information about local A.A. services. Many intergroup/central offices sell A.A. Conference-approved literature for the convenience of local groups.
Information Exchange – The service office may function as a clearinghouse for the circulation and exchange of information among all the A.A. groups in the community. In this same connection, a logical function of the central office is to provide “program exchange” meetings, where group program chairpersons meet regularly to exchange meetings with other groups.
Intergroup Services
Local Committees on Public Information (P.I.) and Cooperation With the Professional Community (C.P.C.) in cooperation with district and area P.l. and C.P.C. committees – The central office is an ideal contact with those in the community seeking information about A.A. Thus, A.A.’s relations with the public and professionals in the alcoholism field are often handled through the cooperation of general service committees and central offices. To avoid duplication of efforts and other difficulties, good communication between all parts of A.A. is paramount. A.A. Guidelines and Workbooks on P.I. and C.P.C. are available from G.S.O.
A.A. in Correctional and Treatment Facilities – The central office can maintain contact with local groups in correctional facilities and treatment facilities, offering literature and prerelease A.A. contacts and arranging for A.A. speakers and visitors to meetings. When there is a corrections or treatment committee for this purpose, the service office may assist it through close cooperation with local hospitals and prisons. Central offices handling institutional contacts are also urged to send for G.S.O. material, Guidelines on Corrections Committees and Guidelines on Treatment Committees and the Corrections and Treatment Committees Workbooks.
Local A.A. Events – An A.A. central office is a logical body to manage the details of an annual dinner, picnic, or convention, if the participating groups wish it. Special Events – Some service offices hold yearly banquets, conventions, and similar events, using the “profits” for support of the office.
A.A. Bulletin or Newsletter – “The Footsteps” The preparation of a publication for periodic distribution to A.A. groups is often a function of the central office.
Special Needs Services – Many central offices carry information on groups that are wheelchair accessible, or signed for deaf members. Some offices have TDD/TTY (Teletypewriter or Text Telephone) equipment for communicating with deaf alcoholics.
Services you can do
- Office
- Night Owl
- Footsteps
- Events